**Registration is now closed for the 2024-25 season. Please contact the Registrar or your age division director if you are interested in information or joining SPRA.**
NON-RESIDENTS of Strathcona County
If you are wanting to register with SPRA for the first time and:
- Don’t have an address within Strathcona County;
- Looking to play Active Start, U10 (Step 1, 2 or 3), U12 (A,B,C), U14 (A,B,C), U16 (A,B), U19 (A,B);
Please CLICK HERE for more information.
RESIDENTS of Strathcona County
Please see the detailed information outlined below. To register, please CLICK HERE
For information on the POWER AA Program, please go here: SPRA POWER AA Program
Equipment List
Here is a list of player equipment to assist you.
- CSA Approved Helmet & Ringette Certified Facemask
- BNQ Approved Neck Protector
- Elbow Pads
- Shoulder Pads
- Ringette / Hockey Gloves
- Hip / Tailbone / Genital Protection
- Shin Guards / Knee Protection
- Hockey / Ringette Skates (no picks allowed)
- Practice Jersey
- SPRA Ringette Pants - required to be worn at all games and tournaments
- Generic Ringette Pants - required to be worn at all practices. SPRA Ringette Pants not recommended
- Certified Ringette Stick
RECOMMENDED Equipment: All players - mouth guard

Goalie Equipment (at most Divisions): Is provided for by the Association (pads, blocker, catcher, gel glove, body armour, goalie stick)

Evaluation Information
Ringette Alberta UAA Evaluation Drills - How To Video
SPRA Parent Handbook
Financial Assistance
If you are looking for financial assistance, Canadian Tire's JUMPSTART program provides support. Visit the website at: